Start a New Recognized Student Organization

Not seeing an existing recognized student organization that matches your interests? We are happy to help you navigate creating a new organization to further enrich our campus community.

Applications for new RSOs are open in mid-September and mid-January. Applications are reviewed based on the thoroughness for the content and not based on the organization's stated mission, goals or beliefs. Only complete applications will be considered. Approvals do not imply endorsement by Emory University of the organization’s policies or activities.

If you have questions, contact our Student Involvement, Leadership, and Transitions (SILT) team at

Here's an overview of what is needed to create a new recognized student organization. 

How to create a new recognized student organization

Ensure your new organization meets a unique need in our community by checking existing organizations on The Hub.

*Interest groups focused on spiritual, religious, or philosophical matters should contact Dean Gregory McGonigle at the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life ( for approval. Honorary societies must receive prior approval from the dean of your affiliated school and the governing chartering entity. Students wishing to start a social Greek-lettered organization should reach out to Sorority and Fraternity Life.

You need at least 10 currently enrolled Emory University students on your organization’s roster. Include their names, email addresses, and NetIDs.

You'll need a president, vice president, treasurer/financial officer, and event planner/risk manager.

Your advisor should be actively present to guide the group. They must be full-time faculty or staff members at Emory University.

If you want to build a sustainable organization, apply for intent to charter as an RSO. Applications open in mid-September and mid-January. After you apply for intent, you will be considered an interest group. This does not mean that you are a RSO, but that you have submitted your interest in becoming one.

Complete an asynchronous training series on Canvas on your own time that includes the following topics. This must be completed by the president, treasurer, and vice president by the deadlines notated in the Canvas course.

Topics include: 

  • Create a Constitution 
  • Create a portal on The Hub 
  • Establishing goals as an organization 
  • Reserving spaces on campus 
  • Event planning 
  • How to establish and utilize a general body 
  • Policies and procedures of RSOs for officers

After successfully completing onboarding, your interest group will receive a charter and become a Recognized Student Organization. 

Post your Charter Letter onto your organization’s portal on The Hub within 30 days of receiving your charter and recognition status.

Remember, the recognition process is content-neutral and based solely on completing proper applications. Emory does not endorse any specific policies or activities of student organizations.