Pre-Orientation Programs
As our newest community members, you’re invited to connect with peers and upperclass students through one of our immersive Pre-Orientation Programs for first-year Atlanta campus students.
Pre-Orientation is an optional opportunity open to incoming first-year students (except the International Student Welcome, which is required for F1 students). Programs are designed around a specific focus and serve to connect students with various aspects of the Emory community.
We encourage incoming first-year students to review the different programs, their focus, and registration information below to see if they are interested in signing up for a Pre-Orientation Program. Keep in mind that students may only participate in one Pre-Orientation Program, as the schedules directly overlap. Availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Registration for Pre-Orientation will open on May 11th at 5PM!
List of Pre-Orientation Programs

Download the Emory Welcome App
The Emory Welcome App is your guide to Emory! Incoming students and families should use this app as a guide throughout the summer and Orientation Week. Inside you will find information like how to register for classes, ways to get involved on campus, and Orientation schedules.
Pre-Orientation Frequently Asked Questions
For traveling ease, some students bring what they need on Monday, August 18 for the week of Pre-Orientation and have their family bring the rest of their belongings on Saturday, August 23. For others, it may be easier to move everything all at once on Monday, August 18.
We encourage you to do what is best for your student and family.
Although the details are still being finalized and individual Pre-Orientation Programs may communicate their own specific plans for the day, the primary focus of Monday, August 18 will be Move-in.
A tentative Move-in schedule for Ignite, SOAR, and WISE participants can be found below: