Recruiting and Retaining Members

RSOs rely on members for success. Therefore, we encourage you to focus on the three R's of Membership: Recruit, Retain, and Recognize.


Recruitment starts with strategic marketing. Keep your promotions proportional to the membership you're targeting. Student organizations should foster inclusivity. 

We offer several recruitment tools: 

  • Student Involvement Fairs (September and January) provide exposure.
  • Tabling at Wonderful Wednesdays on The Hub allows direct engagement.
  • Posting materials while abiding by campus regulations helps grab attention.
  • Digital Signage in the Emory Student Center enhances visibility.
  • Info Session Meetings create an inclusive atmosphere. Icebreakers can facilitate interaction, and help is available at


Retention is the next step. Make meetings engaging by varying activities, inviting guest speakers, organizing social nights, and discussing relevant topics. Include all members in decision-making processes to build trust.


Recognition is essential. The SOAR Awards offer an opportunity to acknowledge significant contributions by individuals and organizations at Emory University. Categories include both Individual and Organizational + Programmatic Awards. Nominations are made in early spring, with a celebration event in April.

Cost-effective methods such as Paper Plate Awards and Weekly Kudos also help acknowledge members' unique talents and contributions.

The success of your RSO lies in effective member recruitment, retention, and recognition. Remember, each member adds value to your organization.